Types & bit-depths

Chapter outline
  • The bit-depth & type of an image determine what pixel values it can contain

  • An image with a higher bit-depth can (potentially) contain more information

  • For acquisition, most images have the type unsigned integer

  • For processing, it is often better to use floating point types

  • Attempting to store values outside the range permitted by the type & bit-depth leads to clipping

Possible & impossible pixels

As described in Images & Pixels, each pixel has a numerical value – but a pixel cannot typically have just any numerical value it likes. Instead, it works under the constraints of the image type and bit-depth. Ultimately the pixels are stored in some binary format: a series of bits (binary digits), i.e. ones and zeros. The bit-depth determines how many of these ones and zeros are available for the storage of each pixel. The type determines how these bits are interpreted.

Representing numbers with bits

Suppose you are developing a code to store numbers, but in which you are only allowed to write ones and zeros. If you are only allowed a single one or zero, then you can only actually represent two different numbers. Clearly, the more ones and zeros you are allowed, the more unique combinations you can have – and therefore the more different numbers you can represent in your code.

A 4-bit example

The encoding of pixel values in binary digits involves precisely this phenomenon. If we first assume we have a 4 bits, i.e. 4 zeros and ones available for each pixel, then these 4 bits can be combined in 16 different ways:


















Here, the number after the arrow shows how each sequence of bits could be interpreted. We do not have to interpret these particular combinations as the integers from 0–15, but it is common to do so – this is how binary digits are understood using an unsigned integer type. But we could also easily decide to devote one of the bits to giving a sign (positive or negative), in which case we could store numbers in the range -8 – +7 instead, while still using precisely the same bit combinations. This would be a signed integer type.

Of course, in principle there are infinite other variations of how we interpret our 4-bit binary sequences (integers in the range -7 – +8, even numbers between 39 to 73, the first 16 prime numbers etc.), but the ranges I’ve given are the most normal.

In any case, the main point is that knowing the type of an image is essential to be able to decipher the values of its pixels from how they are stored in binary.

Increasing bit depths

So with 4 bits per pixel, we can only represent 16 unique values. Each time we include another bit, we double the number of values we can represent.

Computers tend to work with groups of 8 bits, with each group known as 1 byte. Microscopes that acquire 8-bit images are still common, and these permit 28 = 256 different pixel values, which, understood as unsigned integers, fall in the range 0–255. The next step up is a 16-bit image, which can contain 216 = 65536 values: a dramatic improvement (0–65535). Of course, because twice as many bits are needed for each pixel in the 16-bit image when compared to the 8-bit image, twice as much storage space is required - leading to larger file sizes.

Floating point types

Although the images we acquire are normally composed of unsigned integers, we will later explore the immense benefits of processing operations such as averaging or subtracting pixel values, in which case the resulting pixels may be negative or contain fractional parts. Floating point type images make it possible to store these new, not-necessarily-integer values in an efficient way.

Floating point pixels have variable precision depending upon whether or not they are representing very small or very large numbers. Representing a number in binary using floating point is analogous to writing it out in standard form, i.e. something like 3.14 × 108. In this case, we have managed to represent 314000000 using only 4 digits: 314 and 8 (the 10 is already known in advance). In the binary case, the form is more properly something like ± 2M × N: we have one bit devoted to the sign, a fixed number of additional bits for the exponent M, and the rest to the main number N (called the fraction).

A 32-bit floating point number typically uses 8 bits for the exponent and 23 bits for the fraction, allowing us to store a very wide range of positive and negative numbers. A 64-bit floating point number uses 11 bits for the exponent and 52 for the fraction, thereby allowing both an even wider range and greater precision. But again these require more storage space than 8- and 16-bit images.


200 The pixels on the right all belong to different images. In each case, identify what possible types those images could be.

Your options are:

  • Signed integer

  • Unsigned integer

  • Floating point


The possible image types, from left to right:

  1. Signed integer or floating point

  2. Unsigned integer, signed integer or floating point

  3. Floating point

Limitations of bits

The main point of Images & Pixels is that we need to keep control of our pixel values so that our final analysis is justifiable. In this regard, there are two main bit-related things that can go wrong when trying to store a pixel value in an image:

  1. Clipping: We try to store a number outside the range supported, so that the closest valid value is stored instead, e.g. trying to put -10 and 500 into an 8-bit unsigned integer will result in the values 0 and 255 being stored instead.

  2. Rounding: We try to store a number that cannot be represented exactly, and so it must be rounded to the closest possible value, e.g. trying to put 6.4 in an 8-bit unsigned integer image will result in 6 being stored instead.

Data clipping

Of the two problems, clipping is usually the more serious, as shown in Figure 1. A clipped image contains pixels with values equal to the maximum or minimum supported by that bit-depth, and it is no longer possible to tell what values those pixels should have. The information is irretrievably lost.

bit convert orig.png
bit convert clipped.png
bit convert scaled.png
bit convert orig.png
bit convert clipped enhanced.png
bit convert scaled enhanced.png
bit convert orig plot.png
A: 16-bit original
bit convert clipped plot.png
B: 8-bit clipped
bit convert scaled plot.png
C: 8-bit scaled

Figure 1: Storing an image using a lower bit-depth, either by clipping or by scaling the values. The top row shows all images with the same minimum and maximum values to determine the contrast, while the middle row shows shows the same images with the maximum set to the highest pixel value actually present. The bottom row shows horizontal pixel intensity profiles through the center of each image, using the same vertical scales. One may infer that information has been lost in both of the 8-bit images, but more much horrifically when clipping was applied. The potential reduction in information is only clear in (C) when looking at the profiles, where rounding errors are likely to have occurred.

Clipping can already occur during image acquisition, where it may be called saturation. In fluorescence microscopy, it depends upon three main factors:

  1. The amount of light being emitted. Because pixel values depend upon how much light is detected, a sample emitting very little light is less likely to require the ability to store very large values. Although it still might because of…​

  2. The gain of the microscope. Quantifying very tiny amounts of light accurately has practical difficulties. A microscope’s gain effectively amplifies the amount of detected light to help overcome this before turning it into a pixel value (see Microscopes & detectors). However, if the gain is too high, even a small number of detected photons could end up being over-amplified until clipping occurs.

  3. The offset of the microscope. This effectively acts as a constant being added to every pixel. If this is too high, or negative, it can also push the pixels outside the permissible range.

If clipping occurs, we no longer know what is happening in the brightest or darkest parts of the image – which can thwart any later analysis. Therefore during image acquisition, any gain and offset controls should be adjusted as necessary to make sure clipping is avoided.


When acquiring an 8-bit unsigned integer image, is it fair to say your data is fine so long as you do not store pixel values < 0 or > 255?


No! At least, not really.

You cannot store pixels outside the range 0–255. But if your image contains pixels with either of those extreme values, you cannot be sure whether or not clipping has occurred. Therefore, you should ensure images you acquire do not contain any pixels with the most extreme values permitted by the image bit-depth. If you want to know for sure you can trust your 8-bit data is not clipped, the maximum range would be 1–254.


The bit-depth of an image is probably some multiple of 8, but the bit-depth that a detector (e.g. CCD) can support might not be.

For example, what is the maximum value in a 16-bit image that was acquired using a camera with a 12-bit output?

And what is the maximum value in a 8-bit image acquired using a camera with a 14-bit output?


The maximum value of a 16-bit image obtained using a 12-bit camera is 4095 (i.e. 212-1).

The maximum value of an 8-bit image obtained using a 14-bit camera is 255 – the extra bits of the camera do not change this. But if the image was saved in 16-bit instead, the maximum value would be 16383.

So be aware that the actual range of possible values depends upon the acquisition equipment as well as the bit-depth of the image itself. The lower bit-depth will dominate.

Rounding errors

Rounding is a more subtle problem than clipping. Again it is relevant as early as acquisition. For example, suppose you are acquiring an image in which there really are 1000 distinct and quantifiable levels of light being emitted from different parts of a sample. These could not possibly be given different pixel values within an 8-bit image, but could normally be fit into a 16-bit or 32-bit image with lots of room to spare. If our image is 8-bit, and we want to avoid clipping, then we would need to scale the original photon counts down first – resulting in pixels with different photon counts being rounded to have the same values, and their original differences being lost.

Nevertheless, rounding errors during acquisition are usually small. Rounding can be a bigger problem when it comes to processing operations like filtering, which often involve computing averages over many pixels (see Filters). But, fortunately, at this post-acquisition stage we can convert our data to floating point and then get fractions if we need them.

Floating point rounding errors

Using floating point types does not completely solve rounding issues. In fact, even a 64-bit floating point image cannot store all useful pixel values with perfect precision, and seemingly straightforward numbers like 0.1 are only imprecisely represented.

But this is not really unexpected: this binary limitation is similar to how we cannot write 1/3 in decimal exactly, but rather we can get only get closer and closer for so long as we are willing to add more 3’s after the decimal point.

In any case, rounding 0.1 to 0.100000001490116119384765625 (a possible floating point representation) is not so bad as rounding it to 0 (an integer representation), and the imprecisions of floating point numbers in image analysis are usually small enough to be disregarded.

See http://xkcd.com/217/ for more information.

More bits are better…​ usually

From considering both clipping and rounding, the simple rule of bit-depths emerges: if you want the maximum information and precision in your images, more bits are better. This is depicted in Figure 2. Therefore, when given the option of acquiring a 16-bit or 8-bit image, most of the time you should opt for the former.

blocks and bits.jpg
Illustration of the comparative accuracy of (left to right) 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit images.

Figure 2: Building blocks and bit depth. If an 8-bit image is like creating a sculpture out of large building blocks, a 16-bit image is more like using lego and a 32-bit floating point image resembles using clay. Anything that can be created with the blocks can also be made from the lego; anything made from the lego can also be made from the clay. This does not work in reverse: some complex creations can only be represented properly by clay, and building blocks permit only a crude approximation at best. On the other hand, if you only need something blocky, it’s not really worth the extra effort of lego or clay. And, from a very great distance, it might be hard to tell the difference.


Although more bits are better is a simple rule we can share with those who do not really understand the subtleties of bit-depths, it should not be held completely rigorously. When might more bits not be better?


Reasons why a lower bit depth is sometimes preferable to a higher one include:

  • A higher bit-depth leads to larger file sizes, and potentially slower processing. For very large datasets, this might be a bigger issue that any loss of precision found in using fewer bits.

  • The amount of light detected per pixel might be so low that thousands of possible values are not required for its accurate storage, and 8-bits (or even fewer) would be enough. For the light-levels in biological fluorescence microscopy, going beyond 16-bits would seldom bring any benefit.

But with smallish datasets for which processing and storage costs are not a problem, it is safest to err on the side of more bits than we strictly need.

Converting images in ImageJ

For all that, sometimes it is necessary to convert an image type or bit-depth, and then caution is advised.

This conversion could even sometimes be required against your better judgement, but you have little choice because a particular command or plugin that you need has only been written for specific types of image. And while this could be a rare event, the process is unintuitive enough to require special attention.

Conversions are applied in ImageJ using the commands in the Image ▸ Type ▸ submenu. The top three options are 8-bit (unsigned integer), 16-bit (unsigned integer) and 32-bit (floating point), which correspond to the types currently supported[1].

In general, increasing the bit-depth of an image should not change the pixel values: higher bit-depths can store all the values that lower bit-depths can store. But going backwards that is not the case, and when decreasing bit-depths one of two things can happen depending upon whether the option Scale When Converting under Edit ▸ Options ▸ Conversions…​ is checked or not.

  • Scale When Converting is not checked: pixels are simply given the closest valid value within the new bit depth, i.e. there is clipping and rounding as needed.

  • Scale When Converting is checked: a constant is added or subtracted, then pixels are further divided by another constant before being assigned to the nearest valid value within the new bit depth. Only then is clipping or rounding applied if it is still needed.

Perhaps surprisingly, the constants involved in scaling are determined from the Minimum and Maximum in the current Brightness/Contrast…​ settings: the Minimum is subtracted, and the result is divided by Maximum - Minimum. Any pixel value that was lower than Minimum or higher than Maximum ends up being clipped. Consequently, converting to a lower bit-depth with scaling can lead to different results depending upon what the brightness and contrast settings were.


Why is scaling usually a good thing when reducing the bit-depth, and why is a constant usually subtracted before applying this scaling?

Hint: As an example, consider how a 16-bit image containing values in the range 4000–5000 might be converted to 8-bit first without scaling, and then alternatively by scaling with or without the initial constant subtraction. What constants for subtraction and division would usually minimize the amount of information lost when converting to 8-bit image, limiting the errors to rounding only and not clipping?


In the example given, converting to 8-bit without any scaling would result in all pixels simply becoming 255: all useful information in the image would be lost.

With scaling but without subtraction, it would make sense to divide all pixel values by the maximum in the image divided by the maximum in the new bit depth, i.e. by 5000/255. This would then lead to an image in which pixels fall into the range 204–255. Much information has clearly been lost: 1000 potentially different values have now been squeezed into 52.

However, if we first subtract the smallest of our 16-bit values (i.e. 4000), our initial range becomes 0–1000. Divide then by 1000/255 and the new values become scaled across the full range of an 8-bit image, i.e. 0–255. We have still lost information – but considerably less than if we had not subtracted the constant first.


Make sure that the Scale when Converting option is turned on (it should be by default). Then using a suitable 8-bit sample image, e.g. File ▸ Open Samples ▸ Boats, explore the effects of brightness/contrast settings when increasing or decreasing bit-depths.

How should the contrast be set before reducing bit-depths? And can you destroy the image by simply increasing then decreasing the bit-depth?


It is a good idea to choose Reset in the Brightness/Contrast…​ window before reducing any bit-depths for 2D images (see Processing data with higher dimensions to see special considerations related to z-stacks or time series).

You can destroy an image by increasing its bit-depth, adjusting the brightness/contrast and then decreasing the bit-depth to the original one again. This may seem weird, because clearly the final bit-depth is capable of storing all the original pixel values. But ImageJ does not know this and does not check, so it will simply do its normal bit-depth-reducing conversion based on contrast settings.

1. The remaining commands in the list involve color, and are each variations on 8-bit unsigned integers (see Channels & colors).

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