Images & pixels

Chapter outline
  • Digital images are composed of pixels

  • Each pixel has a numeric value, often related to detected light

  • The same pixel values can be displayed in different ways

  • In scientific image processing, image appearance can be changed independently of pixel values by modifying a lookup table


The smallest units from which an image is composed are its pixels.

The word 'pixel' is derived from picture element and, as far as the computer is concerned, each pixel is just a number.

When the image data is displayed, the values of pixels are usually converted into squares of particular colors – but this is only for our benefit to allow us to get a fast impression of the image contents, i.e. the approximate values of pixels and where they are in relation to one another.

When it comes to processing and analysis, we need to get past the display and delve into the real data: the numbers.

This distinction between data (the pixel values) and display (the colored squares) is particularly important in fluorescence microscopy. The pixels given to us by the microscope are measurements of the light being emitted by a sample. From these we can make deductions, e.g. more light may indicate the presence of a particular structure or substance, and knowing the exact values allows us to make comparisons and quantitative measurements. On the other hand, the colored squares do not matter for measurements: they are just nice to look at (Figure 1).

couple selected.png
A: Original image
couple squares.png
B: Enlarged view from (A)
couple text.png
C: Pixel values of (B)

Figure 1: An image depicting an interestingly-matched couple I saw when walking home from work around the time of writing. (A) & (B) The image is shown using small squares of different shades of gray, where each square corresponds to a single pixel. This is only a convention used for display; the pixels themselves are stored as arrays of numbers (C) – but looking at the numbers directly it is pretty hard for us to visualize what the image contains.

Still, two related facts can cause us trouble:

  1. Images that look the same can contain different pixel values

  2. Images that look different can still contain the same pixel values

This makes it quite possible to analyze two different images that appear identical, but to get very different results. Therefore to be sure we are observing and measuring the right things, we need to know what is happening whenever we open, adjust and save our images. It is not enough to trust our eyes.

ImageJ & Fiji

So to work with our digital images we do not just need any software that can handle images: we need scientific software that allows us to explore our data and to control exactly what happens to it.

ImageJ, developed at the National Institutes of Health by Wayne Rasband, is designed for this purpose. The 'J' stands for Java: the programming language in which it is written. It can be downloaded for free from, and its source code is in the public domain, making it particularly easy to modify and distribute. Moreover, it can be readily extended by adding extra features in the form of plugins, macros or scripts.[1]

This marvellous customizability has one potential drawback: it can be hard to know where to start, which optional features are really good, and where to find them all. Fiji, which stands for Fiji Is Just ImageJ, goes some way to addressing this. It is a distribution of ImageJ that comes bundled with a range of add-ons intended primarily for life scientists. It also includes its own additional features, such as an integrated system for automatically installing updates and bug-fixes, and extra open-source libraries that enable programmers to more easily implement sophisticated algorithms.

Therefore, everything ImageJ can do can also be accomplished in Fiji (because Fiji contains the full ImageJ inside it), but the converse is not true (because Fiji contains many extra bits). Therefore in this course we will use Fiji, which can be downloaded for free from

ImageJ, ImageJ2 & Fiji

When this handbook was first written, a project to rewrite ImageJ to create ImageJ2 was still in the early stages of development.

Now, ImageJ2 has become much more established, and is part of Fiji.

Fortunately, ImageJ2 aims to be backwards-compatible with ImageJ - therefore if you just download Fiji from then you should have the right thing to work along with this handbook.[2]

The user interface

fiji gui.png

Figure 2: The main user interface for Fiji.

It can take some time to get used to the ImageJ/Fiji[3] user interface, which may initially seem less friendly and welcoming than that found in some commercial software. But the good news is that, once you find your way around, it becomes possible to do a lot of things that would simply not be possible in many other software applications.

Some of the components we will be working with are shown in Figure 2. At first, only the main window containing the menu, tool and status bars is visible, and the others appear as needed when images are opened and processed. Should you ever lose this main window behind a morass of different images, you can bring it back to the front by pressing the Enter key.

Tips & tricks

Here are a few non-obvious tips that can making working with ImageJ or Fiji easier, in order of importance (to me):

  • Files can be opened quickly by dragging them (e.g. from the desktop, Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder) onto the Status bar. Most plugins you might download can also be installed this way.

  • If you know the name of a command (including plugins) but forget where it is hidden amidst the menus, type Ctrl+L (or perhaps just L) to bring up the Command Finder – it may help to think of it as a List – and start typing the name. You can run the command directly, or select Show full information to find out its containing menu. Note that some commands have similar or identical names, in which case they might only be distinguishable by their menu.

  • ImageJ’s Edit ▸ Undo has very limited abilities – it may be available if you modify a single 2D image, but will not be if you process data with more dimensions (see Dimensions). While inconvenient if you are used to long undo-lists in software like Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop, there is a good rationale behind it: supporting undo could require storing multiple copies of previous versions of the image, which might rapidly use up all the available memory when using large data sets. The solution is to take care of this manually yourself by choosing Image ▸ Duplicate…​ to create a copy of the image before doing any processing you may not wish to keep.

  • There is a wide range of shortcut keys available. Although the menus claim you need to type Ctrl, you do not really unless the option under Edit ▸ Options ▸ Misc…​ tells you otherwise. You can also add more shortcuts under Plugins ▸ Shortcuts ▸ Create Shortcut…​

  • To move around large images, you can use the scrolling tool tool scroll.png, or simply click and drag on the image while holding down the spacebar. A small rectangular diagram (visible on the top left of the image window in Figure 2) indicates which part of the entire image is currently being shown.

  • There are more tools and options than meet the eye. Double-clicking and right-clicking on icons in the Tool bar can each reveal more possibilities.

  • Pressing Escape may abort the operation of any currently-running command…​ But it requires the command’s author to have implemented this functionality. So it might not do anything.

Finding more information

Links to more information for using ImageJ, including user guides including a detailed manual, are available at

Referencing Fiji and ImageJ

Whenever publishing work using Fiji or ImageJ, you should check their respective websites for information regarding how to refer to them. Furthermore, some specific plugins have their own published papers that should be cited if the plugins are used.

See the for more information.

Data & its display

Comparing images

Now we return to the data/display dichotomy. In the top row of Figure 3, you can see four images as they might be shown in ImageJ. The first and second pairs both look identical to one another. However, it is only actually (A) and (C) that are identical in terms of content. Since these contain the original pixel values given by the microscope they could be analyzed, but analyzing either (B) or (D) instead may well lead to untrustworthy results.

sunny square grays 16.png
sunny square grays 8.png
sunny square lut 16.png
sunny square rgb.png
sunny square grays 16 hist.png
A: 16-bit ('Grays' LUT)
sunny square grays 8 hist.png
B: 8-bit ('Grays' LUT)
sunny square lut 16 hist.png
C: 16-bit ('Fire' LUT)
sunny square rgb hist.png
D: 8-bit (RGB)

Figure 3: Do not trust your eyes for image comparisons: different pixel values might be displayed so that they look the same, while the same pixel values may be displayed so that they look different. Here, only the images in (A) and (C) are identical to one another in terms of their pixel values — and only these contain the original data given by the microscope. The terms used in the captions will be explained in Types & bit-depths and Channels & colors.

Reliably assessing the similarities and differences between images in Figure 3 would therefore be impossible just based on their appearance in the top row, but it becomes much easier if we consider the corresponding image histograms below. These histograms (created with Analyze ▸ Histogram) depict the total number of pixels with each different value within the image as a series of vertical bars, displayed above some extra statistics – such as the maximum, minimum and mean of all the pixels in that image. Looking at the histograms and the statistics below make it clear that only (A) and (C) could possibly contain the same values.


If you want to tell whether two images are identical, is comparing their histograms always a reliable method?


No! It is possible for two quite different images to have identical histograms. For example, if you imagine having an image and then randomly reshuffling its pixels to get a second image, then the histogram would be unchanged but the image itself would be. Other, more subtle differences could also lead to different arrangements of pixels (and therefore different images), but similar appearances and identical histograms and statistics.

Nevertheless, histogram comparison is fast (in ImageJ, just click on each image and press H) and a pretty good guide. Non-identical histograms would least show that images are categorically not the same. A more reliable method of comparing images will come up in Manipulating individual pixels.

Mapping colors to pixels

The reason for the different appearances of images in Figure 3 is that the first three do not all use the same lookup tables (LUTs; sometimes alternatively called color maps), while in (D) the image has been flattened. Flattening will become relevant in Channels & colors, but for now we will concentrate on LUTs.

A LUT is essentially a table in which rows give possible pixel values alongside the colors that should be used to display them. For each pixel in the image, ImageJ finds out the color of square to draw on screen by 'looking up' its value in the LUT. This means that when we want to modify how an image appears, we can simply change its LUT – keeping all our pixel values safely unchanged.


200 Using Spooked.tif as an example image, explore pixel values and LUTs in Fiji. Originally, each pixel should appear with some shade of gray (which indicates a correspondingly sombre LUT). As you move the cursor over the image, in the status bar at the top of the screen you should see value = beside the numerical value of whichever pixel is underneath the cursor.

If you then go to Image ▸ Lookup Tables…​ and click on some other LUT the image appearance should be instantly updated, but putting the cursor over the same pixels as before will reveal that the actual values are unchanged.

Finally, if you want to 'see' the LUT you are using, choose Image ▸ Color ▸ Show LUT. This shows a bar stretching from 0 to 255 (the significance of this range will be clearer after reading Types & bit-depths) with the color given to each value in between. Clicking List then shows the actual numbers involved in the LUT, and columns for Red, Green and Blue. These latter columns give instructions for the relative amounts of red, green and blue light that should be mixed to get the right color (see Channels & colors).

Why use different LUTs?

The ability to change LUTs has several advantages. A simple one is that we can use LUTs to make the colors in our image match with the wavelengths of the light we have detected, such as by showing a DAPI staining in blue or GFP in green. But often this is not really optimal, and you may prefer to show an image using some multicolored LUT (e.g. Fire in ImageJ) that does not otherwise have any physical relevance. This is because the eye is relatively poor at distinguishing different shades of the same color, and presenting the identical information using many different colors can make differences between pixel values more apparent.

Modifying the LUT can help make information visible

But swapping one set of LUT colors for another is not the only way to change the appearance. We can also keep the same colors, but change which pixel values each color is used for.

For example, suppose we have chosen a gray LUT. Most monitors can (theoretically) show us 256 different shades of gray, so we can give a different shade to pixels with values from 0–255, where 0 corresponds to black and 255 corresponds to white. But suppose our image only contains interesting values in the range 5–50. Then we will only be using 46 rather similar shades of gray to display it, and not using either our monitor or our eyesight to their full capacities. It would easier to see what is happening if we made every pixel with a value ≤ 5 black and ≥ 50 white, and then distributed all our available shades of gray to the values in between. This would make full use of the colors we have in our LUT, and give us an image with improved contrast. Of course, we can also apply the same principle using any other LUT, replacing black and white with the first and last colors in the LUT respectively.

Adjusting the display range

contrast sun gray 1.jpg
A: Grayscale
contrast sun gray 2.jpg
B: Grayscale
contrast sun fire.jpg
C: Fire LUT

Figure 4: The same image can be displayed in different ways by adjusting the contrast settings or the LUT. Nevertheless, despite the different appearance, the values of the pixels are the same in all three images.

This type of LUT adjustment is done in ImageJ using the Image ▸ Adjust ▸ Brightness/Contrast…​ command (quickly accessed by typing Shift+C; see Figure 4). The first two scrollbars that appear are called Minimum and Maximum, and these define the thresholds below and above which pixels are given the first or last LUT color respectively. Modifying either of these sliders automatically changes the Brightness and Contrast sliders.

Although the terms brightness and contrast are probably more familiar, it is usually easier to work with Minimum and Maximum. If you know, for example, you do not care to see anything in the darkest part of the image, you can increase the value of Minimum to clip it out of the picture (only for display!), and devote more different colors for the part of the image that is really interesting.


Return again to Spooked.tif and investigate the contents of the image by adjusting the Minimum and Maximum sliders. What are the best settings when viewing the image?

After you have done this, explore the effects of pressing the Auto, Reset, Set and Apply buttons on the Brightness/Contrast panel.

(And subsequently be wary of using the Apply button ever again…​)


When the Minimum is set to 0 and the Maximum is greatly reduced, an eerier picture should emerge. This was always present in the pixel data, but probably could not be seen initially.

In images like this, the 'best' contrast setting really depends upon what it is you want to see – although Manipulating individual pixels describes one way to try to see 'everything at once'.

With regard to the buttons, Auto choses contrast settings that might look good (by bringing Minimum and Maximum a bit closer to one another). Reset makes sure Minimum and Maximum match with the actual minimum and maximum pixel values in the image (or 0 and 255 for an 8-bit image – see Types & bit-depths), while Set allows you to input their values manually.

Apply is altogether more dangerous. It really does change the pixel values of the image. This loses information and so is rarely a good idea! After pressing Apply, you are very likely not to be able to get your original pixel values back again.

fundamentally similar.jpg
A: Fundamentally the same — despite different appearances
fundamentally different.jpg
B: Fundamentally different — despite the same (or similar) appearance

Figure 5: The same person may appear very different thanks to changes in clothing and accessories (A). Conversely, quite different people might be dressed up to look very similar, and it is only upon closer inspection that significant differences become apparent (B). The true identity and dressing can be seen as analogous to an image’s pixel values and its display.

Scientific image analysis is not photo editing!

One way to imagine the distinction between pixel values and a LUT is that the former determine the real identity of the image, while the latter is simply the clothing the image happens to be wearing (Figure 5). Our interest is in the identity; the clothing is incidental, though might be chosen to accent certain features of interest.

It is vital for scientific analysis that changing the LUTs, either by switching the colors or adjusting Brightness/Contrast, does not mess up or otherwise modify the underlying data. This is the case for the normal contrast controls in ImageJ (if you avoid the tempting Apply button). But this feature would not be so important in other applications like photo editing, where only the final appearance is what matters. Therefore, if you adjust the brightness, contrast or 'levels' in Photoshop, for example, you really do change the underlying pixel values – and, once changed, you cannot 'change them back' (apart from using the Undo command) and expect to get your original values.

Therefore, if you have enhanced an image in Photoshop, your pixel values can easily be changed in a way that makes their reliable interpretation no longer possible!

Properties & pixel size

Hopefully by now you are appropriately paranoid about accidentally changing pixel values and therefore compromising your image’s integrity, so that if in doubt you will always calculate histograms or other measurements before and after trying out something new to check whether the pixels have been changed.

This chapter ends with the other important characteristic of pixels for analysis: their size, and therefore how measuring or counting them might be related back to identifying the sizes and positions of things in real life. Sizes also need to be correct for much analysis to be meaningful.

px size 600.png
A: 600 × 600 pixel image and its properties
px size 600 props.png
px size 75.png
B: 75 × 75 pixel image and its properties
px size 75 props.png

Figure 6: Two images with the same field of view, but different numbers of pixels — and therefore different pixel sizes. In (A) the pixel width and height are both 64.2µm / 600px = 0.107µm. In (B) the pixel width and height are both 64.2µm / 75px = 0.856µm/px. For display, (B) has been scaled up to look the same size as (A), so its larger pixels make it appear more 'blocky'.

Pixel sizes are found in ImageJ under Image ▸ Properties…​, where you will see values for Pixel width and Pixel height, defined in terms of Unit of Length. A useful way to think of these is as proportions of the size of the total field of view contained within the image (see Figure 6). For example, suppose we are imaging an area with a width of 100µm, and we have 200 pixels in the horizontal direction of our image. Then we can treat the 'width' of a pixel as 100/200 = 0.5µm. The pixel height can be defined and used similarly, and is typically (but not necessarily) the same as the width.

Pixel squareness

120 Talking of pixels as having (usually) equal widths and heights makes them sound very square-like, but earlier I stated that pixels are not squares – they are just displayed using squares.

This slightly murky philosophical distinction is considered in Alvy Ray Smith’s technical memo (right), the title of which gives a good impression of the central thesis.[4] In short, pushing the pixels-are-square model too far leads to confusion in the end (e.g. what would happen at their 'edges'?), and does not really match up to the realities of how images are recorded (i.e. pixel values are not determined by detecting light emitted from little square regions, see Blur & the PSF). Alternative terms, such as sampling distance, are often used instead of pixel sizes – and are potentially less misleading. But ImageJ uses pixel size, so we will as well.

Pixel sizes and measurements

Knowing the pixel size makes it possible to calibrate size measurements. For example, if we measure some structure horizontally in the image and find that it is 10 pixels in length, with a pixel size of 0.5µm, we can deduce that its actual length in reality is (roughly!) 10 × 0.5µm = 5µm.

This calibration is often done automatically when things are measured in ImageJ (see Measurements & regions of interest), and so the sizes must be correct for the results to be reasonable. All being well, appropriate pixel sizes will be written into an image file during acquisition and subsequently read – but this does not always work out (see Files & file formats), and so Properties…​ should always be checked. If ImageJ could not find sensible values in the image file, by default it will say each pixel has a width and height of 1.0 pixel…​ not very informative, but at least not wrong. You can then manually enter more appropriate values if you know them.

Pixel sizes and detail

In general, if the pixel size in a fluorescence image is large then we cannot see very fine detail (see Figure 6). However, the subject becomes complicated by the diffraction of light whenever we are considering scales of hundreds of nanometers, so that acquiring images with smaller pixel sizes does not necessarily bring us extra information – and might actually become a hindrance.

This will be explored in more detail in later chapters (Blur & the PSF and Noise).

1. All three of these consist of some computer-readable instructions, but they are written in slightly different languages. Macros are usually the easiest and fastest to write, and we will start producing our own in Writing macros. For more complex tasks, the others my be preferable.
2. The distinction between ImageJ and ImageJ2 does not need to concern us here, although if you are interested you can read more here. Also, if for any reason you would like to get ImageJ 'only', without the extras of ImageJ2 or Fiji, you still can at
3. At the risk of confusion, I will refer to ImageJ most of the time, and Fiji only whenever discussing a feature not included within ImageJ.

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